Shipping policy
We offer UPS Shipping Rates.
All shipments are delivered Duty and Taxes Paid.
All shipments are shipped from the US.
Transit times are not guaranteed as we use a third party for shipping (UPS ). We do not offer any compensation or rainchecks for delayed shipments since it is completely out of our control!
Please note that should the shipping address be incorrect and the package returned to us, we will offer 2 options to the buyer:
- Reship the package at the customers expense Please note we cannot ship to a different name than the original order! Please read the FAQ to understand why we charge to reship the package!
- OR
- Lose your order! Since all sales are final, we do not offer refunds!
Proof of Age
Please note that we use Canada Post's Proof of Age option on every single package. There are no exceptions to this rule!
Since all products are consumables and final sale, no refund will be offered to packages returned due to failing to have a signature!
Once we have undoubtedly verified your age via our automated system, you will become exempt from signing for packages. Please note we do not divulge how our system works!